Awakening Buffalo Consciousness

The Buffalo Treaty is a treaty of cooperation, renewal, and restoration. Through this treaty there have been many nations who have come together with a common purpose which is to return buffalo to the landscape. Recently the Buffalo Treaty also brought together Indigenous scholars from different nations who wanted to focus on the social and political importance of the Buffalo Treaty. Awakening Buffalo Consciousness: Lessons, Theory, and Practice from the Buffalo Treaty connects the past, present, and future. The interconnected historical and contemporary relationship between the buffalo and Indigenous people is weaved throughout the article highlighting the importance and necessity this species is for the well-being of land, animals, and people. The authors Ryan Crosschild, Gina Starblanket, Daniel Voth, Tasha Hubbard and Leroy Little Bear all do an excellent job reinforcing how the Buffalo Treaty creates cooperation amongst many, renewal to everything, and restoration of relationships. Please read the Open Access article when you can


Save the Date: Buffalo Treaty 10th year Anniversary


Yellowstone Bison Revival Documentary