“Storytelling, for Bullchild is the passing down of the oral history and teachings of creator sun. For Ortiz, storytelling is not just the words and listening but the actual living of the story. It is experiential” Amethyst First Rider.

Interviews with Buffalo Treaty signatories and supporters
Buffalo Treaty News
March 16. Lethbridge College signs Buffalo Treaty, by Justin Goulet, Lethbridge News Now
March 15. Historic Buffalo Treaty signed at Lethbridge College, by Micah Quinn, Bridge City News and on IHearthRadio, CTV News
March 10. Indigenous advisory circle seeking guardianship for Banff bison, by Jessica Lee, Rocky Mountain Outlook and on Turtle Islands News, Penticton Herald,
March 9. University of Lethbridge makes commitment to buffalo restoration, by Ose Irete · CBC News
March 8. ‘It’s historic’: University of Lethbridge becomes first post-secondary institution to sign Buffalo Treaty, by Karsen Marczuk, CTV News Lethbridge Video Journalist
March 8. University of Lethbridge becomes first post-secondary institution to sign Buffalo Treaty, by Angela Stewart, Bridge City News
Nov. 30. University appoints Little Bear as vice-provost
Macleod GazetteNov. 13. Managing Nature: On Recent Books About Conservation and Genetic Modification
LARB Los Angeles Book Review by John DupréNov. 10. Banff bison herd should remain on the landscape, Parks Canada says in draft pilot report
CBC News Calgary by Helen PikeNov. 9. The return of the American bison is an environmental boon — and a logistical mess
Grist by Lina TranOct. 24. First Nation balances Western science with traditional knowledge in an effort to combat climate change
Globe and Mail and Everything Grande Prairie, Halifax City News, Turtle Island News, from Canadian Press by Colette DeworizOct. 19. ‘Buffalo brings people together’
Yellowstone to Yukon Conservation InitiativeOct. 14. The land holds memories
Canadian Geographic by Alanna MitchellOct. 4 For the first time in generations, bison have returned to traditional lands
Alberta Farmer Express by By Alexis KienlenOct. 3. Bison returning to the Prairies
Yellowstone to YukonSept. 29. Seeing Alberta’s National Parks Through An Indigenous Lens
National Parks Travellers by Jennifer BainSept. 13. Treaty brought to life in new art installation in Edmonton river valley
Windspeaker by By Shari Narine, Local Journalism Initiative ReporterAugust 18. BUFFALO TREATY SIGNING BATC powwow at Sweetgrass brings nations together
BattlefordsnowJuly 17. Wanuskewin hosts Buffalo Treaty signing
SaskToday by Jon PerezJuly 16. First Nations gather to sign treaty in Sask. in hopes of bringing buffalo back to prairies
CTV News Saskatoon by Miriam Valdes-CarlettiJuly 16. Indigenous people from Canada, U.S., meet in Saskatoon to sign treaty aiming to restore bison
CBC News Saskatchewan by Theresa KliemJuly 15. Wanuskewin hosts historic Buffalo Treaty signing
MBC Radio by Joel WillickJuly 15. American bison are making a major comeback
Dakota News Now by Nicole CaldwellJune 21. Campfire Chats: Buffalo Treaty
University of CalgaryApril 19. Fort Peck Community College, Montana State University collaborate on documentary about buffalo
From Montana State University NewsJan. 25. Buffalo make us better human beings
Windspeaker, Toronto Star, Turtle Island News, by Local journalism Initiative Reporter, Shari Narine
Nov. 12. OpEd: Return Bison to the West
Missoulian.com by Shelly Fyant, Andy Werk Jr. and Lauren Monroe Jr.Oct. 18. Town of Banff sign Bow Valley Food Charter
Rocky Mountain Outlook by Cathy EllisJune 14. The Bison and the Blackfeet
Sierra, the magazine of the Sierra Club by Michelle NijhuisJune 8. When the bison return, will their habitat rebound
Smithsonian Magazine by Louise JoneMarch 9. The bison are back in town: For this Cree nation, cultural renewal comes thundering home
Globe and Mail by Carrie TaitFeb. 24. The Bison are Back
CTV News Lethbridge by Terry VogtFeb. 24. Bison returns back to land on Poundmaker and Onion Lake Cree Nations
Battleford Now by Angela BrownFeb. 18. Bison Reintroduction as Reconciliation in Saskatchewan
NiCHE by Forrest Hisey, Chance Finegan, and Andrea OliveJan 26. Story of bison's return to Banff ecosystem brings people together
University of Calgary, School of Creative and Performing ArtsJan. 24. The rise and fall and rise of the buffalo
Blog post by Stephen Carr HamptonFor older articles published since 2014, click here